Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Going ape over baby gorillas

As it turned out, it was Shad, my older brother, who sent my landlady the baby photos. I can't believe it. Shad is trying to undermine my dignity and grace. However, since people are so insistent upon seeing pictures of baby gorillas, I have decided to create a photo poster of my nieces and nephews. As you can see, they're a wily bunch. They always want me to send them presents. I have no idea from where they get such preposterous notions that their Uncle Brad is a prolific gift-giver. Harumph.


Brad the Gorilla said...

Of course pwxqijbf is a word. Haven't you ever heard of the pesky pwxqijbf faeries? They go around sticking their fingers under people's kneecaps. Just the thought of them gives me the shivers.

How about "Eccentric Landlady" instead of "Cranky Landlady?" Yesterday she was pretty cranky though. I've never seen anyone get so upset over a headache.

Brad the Gorilla said...

You are lucky in that you don't have to worry about the pwxqijbf faeries. Knees aren't everything, after all. I like my thumbs, though. A human pointed out to me the other day that I am not a biped because I like to walk on my knuckles. I pointed out that she was wearing high heels, and was walking on her toes, ergo, she must be a bird. It wasn't a witty comeback, but it was the best I could do for that moment. Gorillas do indeed get headaches. They also get backaches. Grooming helps. Gorillas love to be groomed.