Sunday, July 01, 2007

Rome, ah, Rome


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Correct me if I'm wrong (highly unlikely!) but in ancient Rome didn't the verb "to brad" mean to castrate with pliers? In that case the blogpost should read "Rome, AAAARGGGGH! Rome"

Brad the Gorilla said...

Mr Pudding: The verb "to brad" means "to trounce troublesome schoolteachers by sitting on them!" And I don't need correcting, because I'm NEVER WRONG. Ho ho.

Lady K said...
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Lady K said...

I've always wanted to visit Rome. FORGIVE me, however. I ate bananas today, and they give me the hiccups. No offense, dear gruff one. Tried the spoonful of sugar, tried drinking from the opposite side of the glass of water(which almost ALWAYS works).

What do gorillas do when they get the hiccups? Inquiring humans need to know...

P.S. that deletion was me, I misspelled gorilla and forgot the "e" in "the hiccups." Yeah, I'm anal like that. The last thing I need is a pissed off gorilla. It scared me so much my hiccups are gone now! ;-)